Pathological investigation of female reproductive system of cows in Rajshahi district of Bangladesh
Rashida Khaton1
Md Jalal Uddin Sarkar
Md Mokbul Hossain
1Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, University
2Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, University
3Department of pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensin
Abstract - The present research work was undertaken to detect pathological disorders of female reproductive organs in cows based on examining gross and histopathological characters. A total of 115 female genital organs were ran- domly collected from eight (8) slaughter houses of Rajshahi district in Bangladesh. All samples were collected from the cows irrespective of ages, different body weight and genotypes. Grossly the entire reproductive system from vulva to ovary was examined for the presence of any detectable abnormalities. The representative samples were preserved in 10% neutral buffered formalin for histopathological examination. Among these samples, 73% samples showed gross pathological changes. The result showed that pathological conditions recorded grossly in the reproductive system were granular vulvo-vaginitis (9.57%), swollen and edematous cervix (10.43%), endometritis (19.14%), pyometra (5.21%), mucometra (2.61%), parasitic cyst within the uterus (0.87%), fol- licular cyst (9.57%), luteal cyst (2.61%), multicystic ovary (1.73%) and mesovarian cyst (0.87%). The relative incidences of various histopathological disorders were endometritis (30.36%), cervicitis (21.42%), vaginitis (23.21%), follicular cyst (17.87%) and multicystic ovary (7.14%). It is concluded that more than one disorder was existed in all sample. Finally, the monitoring of the reproductive health status of cows is helpful for making decision about treatment or culling of non-productive cows from the herd and also selection of good quality of dairy cows for increase calf and milk production which will be helpful to overcome losses due to reproductive disorders.
Keywords - Pathological disorders, genital organs, dairy cows, slaughter house, Rajshahi district